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旗下栏目: 健康 教育 娱乐 宗教


来源:珠穆朗玛网 发布时间:2018-07-23


  明星大厨喻太均,演员、歌手、全国三农春晚执行导演、实用出镜春晚执行导演、明星直通车新闻发布会执行导演、CCTV魅力中国行春晚海选演员优秀评委、《华夏综艺盛典》创始人、《明星来主厨》美食节目创始人、CCTV中学生频道:SSTV时尚电视台商城代言人、五福年夜饭品牌全国形象代言人、盛邦品牌形象代言人、北京凯炫服饰品牌形象代言、响当当高铁食品形象代言人、中国泸州老窖股份有限公司荣誉出品(傅世窖池)酒业形象代言人、太阳系麻辣烫品牌形象代言人、CCTV爱心中国行公益形象大使,CCTV1套、CCTV2套、CCTV7套、 CCTV老故事频道、北京卫视、湖北卫视、宁夏卫视特约嘉宾。


  Foreword: big time, the deepening of international communication, culture, art is indispensable communion in international communication and the exchange to explore the essence of the far-reaching significance, the artist is the great age of is a body and promote their own cultural heritage angel!


  A generation of Chinese art ambassadors: lu zhenyiIt is the expression of the promise and love of the local people.


  Painters Lv Zhenyi, word, town the rove, also known as much soil, was born in 1968, shandong Qingdao, professional painter, Chinese contemporary insistance, thinkers, Chinese masters, writers, poets, currently he is member of Chinese lushi academy chief, professor professors. To gain calligraphy and painting quality award in the 2010 world expo in Shanghai, Beijing memory of MAO zedong "unite all nationalities in the People's Republic of China" won a golden medal theme painting and calligraphy, lanzhou city, gansu province, to celebrate the 61th anniversary of the founding of the painting and calligraphy exhibition excellence award, Taiwan to participate in the exhibition gold award "harmonious calligraphy and painting exchanges across the Taiwan straits". The works are collected by domestic and foreign people. Mr. Lu zhenyi's work was a flat fee of 180,000 yuan.


  We have successfully held exhibitions in lanzhou, qinghai, guangzhou, zhuhai, Qingdao, xiamen, Macao, Hong Kong, guangxi, Shanghai and other major cities. Once again to the United States, Britain, France and other countries to host the lu zhenyi art international exhibition of the Chinese lushi academy.
