中医亮剑全歼瘟疫病毒 任连智博士研发《抗世纪病毒制剂》药理论证 编者按:新冠病毒给向全世界发出了挑战,它狰狞肆虐,几乎席卷每一个角落。 在全球沦陷于新冠病毒的当下,唯有中国以”果敢,牺牲,担当”率先冲破阴霾!而取得这场百年不遇之大考初步胜利的一个重要因素是因为:“中国有中医”!正所谓:侠之大者救国救民!医之大者救死扶伤! 今天我们就介绍一位医之大者任连智博士和他的《抗世纪病毒制剂》。任博士基于中华五千年文明和中医理论瑰宝,提出的“世纪中草药全歼世纪病毒理念”。不管是A型还是B型或者种族混合型,任何类型的病毒在《抗世纪病毒制剂》面前无处遁形,都不可能逃出它的治疗范围。《抗世纪病毒制剂》是”魔高一尺,道高一丈”的360度设计!是一个具有划时代,以不变应万变的高技术含量的卓越发明,也是中医药文化的延伸和继承 ![]()
任连智博士论点 依地理物理学家翟明国院士考证,5.4亿年前发现生物。5.4亿年后产生了大量的生物及动物。任博士认为:生物是菌带来的,而只要有菌种存在,依据土壤、气候、水、阳光的变化就会自动繁衍,适者生存的新物种。再用“赫胥黎的进化论与伦理学”来考证。则是天变、地变、动物变、物种变化,物竞天择。任博士认为:5.4亿年进化与演变有N种植物,有菌生长的地方,也伴随着病毒的生长,演变及蜕变进化。从生至死都是有其规律性的,病毒体的演变,一般自寿命据道佛两家三千年的观察认为;最长为七个月零七天七夜,时间为什么有长有短呢?任博士认为:病毒的寿命期长短取决于它在萌生时期蛋白是否完整来决定。 ①这次新冠病毒的菌珠,从世界各国检测发现:进化不完整,繁衍过程客观条件不足,蛋白质组织有缺陷。牠的寿命应该用不了七个月零七天七夜 。就会演变成寄生,或进化为新的病毒(儿病毒)体飞出宿主,进入大自然。 而没有彻底演变成新病毒的菌珠,残疾病毒体菌珠。一旦留在人体也会导致成很多无症状感染患者。 ②如果被即将凋亡的病毒所感染的患者,虽然医学检测是阳性,而又证明人体内有菌、有病毒。但患者临床表现,无症状感染这类的患者,应该是弱阳性 ——都是阳性,但阳性也有区别,有的是强阳性,有的是弱阳性,医学检查用四个加(+)号来分辨。被即将凋亡病毒侵害的患者一般不会死亡,可能被称为轻症或无症状感染病毒患者。 从轻症和重症,到强阳与弱阳,与病毒的青年期中年期和凋亡期来看,病毒的存活期应为七个月零七天七夜。用科幻的话说:如果病毒能活20年,这个世界也就不存在了。 2018年9月,任博士科研小组,专门研制了抗全世界所有应该发生和将来要发生的病毒制剂。任博士认为:病毒传播应为一年两次,春天的是传播给动物和极少量人类。而冬天的是传播给人类和极少量动物。但发疫的国家是依据传播者与动物的活动规律而定。 任博士研发此“抗世纪病毒的制剂”,原是要通过世界卫生组织给第三世界发展国家配送的。作为当地政府的预警方案使用,及战略储备之用。2018年研发后,做了一些非官方的试验,对病毒性、流行性感冒效果斐然,对上呼吸道系统病毒效果斐然,如咳嗽、对干咳嗽效果斐然,对肺大泡效果和急慢性肺炎效果斐然。如退烧效果在当天12个小时内退热。并可在36小时内全部歼灭病毒,而不留后遗症。 (二) 择药原理:“苦、辛、芳”之合才是歼灭病毒的最佳途径 任博士认为:所有细菌感染和病毒瘟疫感染无外乎是病毒,菌类再做祟,那么所有病毒的弱点,均为待苦而下。而苦药当中大多是杀虫为主,杀菌更不在话下。如X X、XX作为杀盅杀菌,任博士择选的乌梅、白鲜皮是对常规菌与出现恶寒的患者必备的。 光用“辛”药必然留下后遗症,会使病毒转为寄生而更可怕。使用单“辛”治疗是对社会不负责任的,更是似懂非懂的学派干的假科学。尤其是西药治疗方案中抗生素里所含有的“硫酸锌”,对治疗病毒患者,副作用太大,采用抗生素是无计可求的表现,与中医的“苦辛芳”治疗法则是截然不同的两个观点理念。诊病准确投药准确病人想不好都难,综上所述,瘟疫传染性疾病光用抗生素是不行的。因为它是毒盅,而不是菌,所以临床上用药治疗病毒必须要“苦、辛、芳”结合才能全歼病毒。绝不能好大喜功,只把病毒困住,临床上基本好转,后一段转为寄生在人体内。这样的设计治疗只是泥船过河。“硫酸锌”治疗病毒之所以后遗症很大,是因为它是抗生素的一个成分而已。用药者产生耐药性后,必然后患无穷。建议西药研发的科学家,还是另辟新境。 而苦药也不是找来苦药放进去就万事大吉,一定要选择“世纪 中草药”才能彻底歼灭世界上的一切病毒。不具备年轮资格的苦药,加入进来也是事倍功半。 “世纪中草药”首先是从上亿年前的植物进化到当今世界的,他之所以能流芳百世是因为它首先战胜了大自然给他带来的无穷的灾难,其中包括克服《植物病毒根瘤症》(种子学)并克服了自然灾难的植物才传世到今天的植物;才能叫“世纪中草药”。这也是我们的科研成果敢于亮剑称作《抗世纪病毒制剂》的底气所在。历史上有两个证据,第一、治疗瘟疫最有经验的是张仲景医生,全歼病毒是古代医生的文化遗产。第二、世界上只有中国有中医,治疗经验历史悠久。佛、道、儒、释、法都是在中国,而我国的本草纲目收注了五万多种中草药,从历史上看中医文化经久不衰,无论在任何时期,中医药永远站在,魔高一尺道高一丈的医学位置上。 物竞天择和物种人择相结合,所配置的处方,才是历史唯物主义态度的奉献者,这种处方绝不是某个人或某个医生才能开出来的,任何个人都不能做病毒的裁判,只能老老实实的尊重科学的规律,用超智慧的理论指导思想,再把时光前移200年才能成就出可以杀死歼灭,任何时间和任何国家爆发的瘟疫病毒处方。 如本次病毒从患者的临床反应情况看,基本条件与肺鼠疫高度吻合。不管病毒来源于旱獭,还是出自某一国家,还是大自然。我们研发的《抗世纪病毒制剂》都可以对该病毒起到重要歼灭作用。如用此制剂后,会对患者留下自身免疫抗体功能,有益无损。 本制剂对常见病的功效如下: 病毒型流行性感冒、菌类感染性感冒、普通感冒、扁桃体发炎引起的发烧感冒、化脓性扁桃体炎、中耳炎、脓性中耳炎、上呼吸道感染咽炎、急性肺炎、慢性肺炎、急慢性肺炎、肺支气管炎、肺水肿、肺大泡、肺气肿、肺感染引起的皮疹、皮炎、腮腺炎、病毒引起的胸闷心悸气短呼吸粗重、口腔溃疡、发烧感冒引起的乙型脑炎等。均为本治剂治疗范围内,而无任何副作用。因为植物药是天地之间的原生态物质,降解时间十天内。 这样看来该制剂应该属于世界上绝无仅有的法宝和中药秘籍。包括未来要发生的任何病毒均可以通通歼灭,该制剂的设计核心思想就是,世纪大疫歼灭法则,不管你怎样变异,用世纪留给我们的中草药都可控制,并且不会离开我们所设计的迁跃式结构骨架内。因本设计思想是站在历史长河上看世间变迁的哲学思想,既魔高一尺、道高一丈。是穿越时空的设计。本制剂用药已经前移了200年,为什么要前移200年呢?这是变被动为主动的战略,发现病毒再出招为之晚矣。病毒在不断的变异,医者一定要变在牠的前面。 据四国专家最新论证;冰岛国内一名新冠病毒患者被检出,一个人被两种新冠病毒同时感染。冰岛科学家已发现,在同一人身上已经有40个病毒变种。 美国华盛顿州发现病毒菌株已经有26步突变,法国发现有18步突变。香港一例患者发现有10步突变。这次病毒以纳米级的准确度,威胁的人类生命。有专家指出未来病毒将会以‘候鸟模式’在南北半球之间往来传播感染。让整个地球在周期性的痉挛中痛苦呻吟,美籍华裔医生在名人档案里说:如果这次新冠病毒疫情“没有中医药介入与习近平总书记的共同打造生命共同体之理念的指引下”——中国也会很惨。中国不能没有习近平主席,中国也不能没有中医。因为只有中医才能穿越时间隧道,设计全歼病毒的技术方案。中医是历史的、中医经验也是历史的、中医是大中华的专利,是任何国家所无法比拟的一种大乘科学。中国无需隐瞒数字,因为中国有中医。 所以任连智博士建议;研发医药的科学家,一定要放宽视野。古代有一草克一病的说法,希望不要把一切都看成死局。化学药品,很容易成为拔不出来的死局。因为研发者只知道化药的分子式,却不知病毒的分子式,容易一错再错。以中医用药为主,以西医为辅。共同治疗新冠病毒患者,是历史上完美的合作,应该发扬。 本生物技术研究小组,所研发的《抗世纪病毒制剂》正是用这种哲学思想的逻辑而研发的,准确时间是在2018年9月完成的。 (三) 辩症施治,创新设计 “转安愈后” 的治疗方案 病毒受害者,生命征候为缺乏阳气,肺属金,火克金,应保持患者的回阳救逆,任博士又用了升柳阳之药,“柴葛根”与“北沙参”,这两种升阳药物总量不能超过9克,因对于病入膏肓的病人来说,一定要保持生命体征,才可救治,生命体征没了,用药于盲也,用药时既要保证患者的生命,又不能用错营养。任博士认为:任何疾病均要通过辩型、辩病、辩证的理论与阴阳的理论,及五形的理论考虑,诊病准确,投药准确病人想不好都难。针对飞沫性传染和接触传染的新冠病毒。任博士总结了它的重点、难点、特点。在本次对新冠病毒制剂设计里面,任博士科研小组,还专项给 “转安愈后”的患者与轻症患者设计了独立的治疗方案,在处方二可以找到。 任博士希望全世界病毒专家和医生,应尊重科学抓住主要矛盾,病毒问题就会瞬间迎刃而解,在这篇文章里我解释一下:我们研发《抗世纪病毒制剂》出于对科研成果知识产权的保护,我们仅公布了《抗世纪病毒制剂》的50%真实处方,如有个人问题可随时打电话与我和金主席交流。 (四) 《抗世纪病毒制剂》的用法用量 对新冠轻症患者用量;病人每两小时三滴,兑水90°开水冲服。兑水量50毫升,无任何副作用。 对新冠病毒患者重症用量:每次1毫升,兑90°开水冲服。 兑水量100毫升,三小时一次。一直用到好为止。 对肺大泡患者要一边使用,一边抽出肺大泡里的气体,尤其是疑似病人仅管参考使用。 对疑似病人每天用量:一天三次,每次三滴。 正常人预防量:每天一次,每次三滴。 注:本制剂不可按照已经提供的药名自己煎用,因本配方还有N位中药没有公开,以防国际盗窃。国家兴亡匹夫有责。 本研发人小组提供的建议请参考,为尽快消除疫情减轻每个国家的负担,保障人民群众早日从阴霾走出来而努力!如该国家政府感兴趣,愿为世界各国做贡献。我们愿携手共赢天下,如不感兴趣则非诚勿扰。最后希望大家为人类健康而学习,为自己的国家崛起而读书。 一场疫情让我们知道了,生命的脆弱,金钱的无能。健康的无价,余生的可贵。愿我们与健康快乐同行!沐浴阳光一路芬芳! 研发人:任连智博士 欧洲中国文化教育促进会生命科学专家、 世界著名糖尿病专 家、 国际执业医师IP中医大师 中华临床医学会癌症康复专业委员会会长、 联系方式: 电话:13032232056 邮箱:QQ:794107248 对新冠病毒感染的患者和疑似患者的治疗处方——见附件 附件:对新冠病毒感染的患者和疑似患者的治疗处方。 【处方一】《抗世纪病毒制剂》 苦参、白鲜皮、乌梅、葛根、沙参,以上是50%的真实处方。 注意事项:请临床使用时随时加减。 【处方二】(转安愈后的治疗处方) 被感染的患者和被西医治疗的患者,为什么回家后又呈为阳性呢!这证明了治疗方案中,没有设计彻底治愈的方案,给患者带来了后遗症。为了彻底消灭和歼灭本次病毒,我们专门设计了一个患者离院后期,回到家里,转安愈后的治疗方案与处方。 积雪草、鹿晗草、功劳叶、赤小豆,以上是80%的真实处方。 把全方剂里的药给每一个患者,带回一个月的用量,将会完成彻底治愈的全过程治疗。 【《抗病毒制剂》方解】 1,治疗全世界任何时间和任何国家侵袭人体的病毒处方。 2,服用本制剂10天内疗效显著,出院转安愈后的科学处方。 以上仅供参考
Pharmacodynamical Demonstration of "Anti Century-Virus Drug" Developed by Dr. Ren Lianzhi Editor's note:The novel coronavirus issued a challenge to the world. It was ferocious and wreaking havoc on almost every corner. As the world falls into the hands of a novel coronavirus, only China is the first to break through the haze with "determination, sacrifice and responsibility". An important factor in achieving the first success of this once-in-a-century exam is that "there is Chinese medicine". As the saying goes: the great man saves the nation and the people! The great doctor saves the wounded and the dying! Today we will introduce a great doctor Dr. Ren lianzhi and his "anti-century virus preparation" Dr. Ren put forward the "century Chinese herbal medicine to wipe out the century virus concept" based on the 5,000 years of Chinese civilization and the theoretical treasure of traditional Chinese medicine. No type of virus, whether type A or B or A combination of RACES, can escape the treatment of virus-resistant agents. "Anti-century virus preparation" is a 360-degree design of "the devil is one foot high, the way is ten feet high"! It is an outstanding invention with epoch-making and high technology content, and also an extension and inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine culture. (I) Viewpoint of Dr. Ren Lianzhi According to the research of Academician Zhai Mingguo, the geophysicist, it is discovered that there were organisms 540 million years ago. 540 million years later, a large number of organisms and animals generated. Dr. Ren believes that, organisms are brought by bacteria, and as long as there are bacterial species, they will automatically derive new types being survival of the fittest according to changes of soil, climate, water and sunlight. Researching according to "Huxley's theory of evolution and ethics", it is sky change, earth change, animal change and species change, being natural selection. Dr. Ren believes that: There are N kinds of plants in 540 million years of evolution and development, where there are bacteria growing, there will also be growing, development and change and evolution of viruses accompanied. There is regularity from the birth to death. For the development of virion, generally the longest life span is seven months and seven days and nights according to 3,000-year observations of the Buddha and Dao. Why are there different periods? Dr. Ren believes that the life span of a virus depends on whether its protein is intact during the germination period. The strain of this novel coronavirus, discovered from tests of various countries in the world, is that: The evolution is incomplete, lacking of objective conditions of reproduction process, and protein tissue of it is defective. Its life span should not last seven months and seven days and seven nights, it will evolve into parasitic one or evolve into new virion (son virus) to fly out of the host and enter the nature. While it has not completely evolved into new virus strain, the disabled virion strain, once left in human body, it may cause many asymptomatically infected patients If a patient is infected with the virus being about to be apoptotic, medical test result is positive, it proves that there are bacteria and viruses in the body, but clinical manifestations of patients, such patients asymptomatic infections, should be weak positives - all are positive, but there is also difference in positivenesses, some are strong positive, and some are weak positive. Medical tests are distinguished them by four plus signs (+).Patients who are attacked by virus being about to be apoptotic generally will not die, which may be referred to as patients with mild or asymptomatic infection. From mild symptom and serious symptom, to strong positiveness and weak positiveness, and young stage, middle age stage and apoptotic stage of the virus, survival period of the virus should be seven months and seven days and seven nights. In words of science fiction: If the virus can survive for 20 years, the world will not exist. In September 2018, Dr. Ren's research team specially developed anti-viral drug to resist the virus that should and will generate in the world. Dr. Ren believes that: The virus transmission should be twice a year, in spring, it will transmit to animals and a very small amount of humans, and in winter, it will transmit to humans and a very small amount of animals. However, countries attacked by the epidemic are determined by laws of activities of transmitting people and animals. Dr. Ren researched and developed this "Anti Century-Virus Drug", the purpose was originally to distribute it to developing countries via the World Health Organization, to be used for early warning program and strategic reserve of local governments. After the research and development in 2018, some unofficial experiments had been conducted, the Drug has excellent effectiveness against viral and epidemic influenza, excellent effectiveness against virus in upper respiratory tract system, excellent effectiveness against cough and dry cough, excellent effectiveness against bullae of lung and excellent effectiveness against acute and chronic pneumonia. For example, for bringing down fever effectiveness, it can bring down the fever within 12 hours of that day, and it can wipe out the virus completely within 36 hours without any sequela left. (II) The Principle of Medicine Selection: The Combination of "Bitter, Spicy and Aromatic Herbs" is the Best Way to Wipe out Viruses Dr. Ren believes that: All bacterial infections and viral epidemic infections are nothing but viruses and bacteria haunting. All viruses have the frailty, to be weakened with the bitter. Most of bitter herbs are mainly used to kill organisms, nothing difficult for killing bacteria and viruses. For instance, xx and xx are used for killing organisms and bacteria, and dark plum and cortex dictamni selected by Dr. Ren are essential for patients infected with conventional bacteria and aversion to cold. The single use of "spicy" herb will inevitably cause sequelae, and will make the virus turn to parasitic one, which is even more terrible. The single use of "spicy" herb therapy is irresponsible to the society, and it is even a pseudoscience done by seemingly smatterer school. Particularly, "zinc sulfate" containing in antibiotics in western medicine therapeutic schedule has too great side effects to patients with virus, so it is a performance at the end of his wits to adopt antibiotics, which is two completely different ideas with "bitter, spicy and aromatic herbs" rules of therapy of traditional Chinese medicine. Accurate diagnosis and accurate giving medicine prescription must cure patients definitely. To sum up, it does not work to use antibiotics only for epidemic infectious diseases. Because it is virus, but not bacterium, therefore, clinical treatment of viruses must adopt the therapy of the combination of "bitter, spicy and aromatic herbs" to completely wipe out viruses. Never crave for greatness and success, only to trap the virus, basically get better clinically, and at later stage it become parasitic in human body. Such treatment designed is just a mud boat crossing the river. Treatment of virus with "zinc sulfate" has great sequelae, because it is nothing but one component of antibiotics. Once drug resistance generates in the body of drug user, it will inevitably cause endless trouble for the future. It is recommended that scientists developing western medicine open up new paths. Moreover, even if bitter herb, it is not that everything is O.K. by just bringing bitter herb and put it into, the "Century Chinese herbal medicine must be chosen to completely wipe out all viruses in the world. The bitter herb without sufficient annual rings will achieve half the result with twice the effort even if it is dosed. Above all, the "Century Chinese herbal medicine" has evolved from the plant hundreds of millions of years ago entering today’s world. The reason why it can popular for millions of years is because it has defeated endless disasters brought to it nature, including overcoming the "plant virus root nodule disease" (seedology) and overcoming natural disasters and to today, only such plant can be called "Century Chinese herbal medicine". This is why our scientific research achievement dares to show the sword to declare it as "Anti Century-Virus Drug". There are two evidences in history. First, the most experienced one in the treatment of epidemic disease was Dr. Zhang Zhongjing, and it was cultural heritage of ancient Chinese doctors to wipe out virus completely. Second, only China has TCM around the world, with a long history of therapeutic experience. The Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Mohist and Legalism are all in China, and the Compendium of Materia Medica in China has collected over 50,000 Chinese herbal medicines. Historically, TCM culture has been unfailing. Regardless of any stage, TCM and Chinese herbal medicines will always stand in the medical position of "The outlaw is strong, but the law is ten times stronger". Only subject to natural selection combined with species selected by human, the prescription is prescribed by the dedicator with historical materialist attitude. This prescription is definitely not the one that can be made by certain person or a doctor. No one can serve as the judge for the virus. Only the one, who honestly respects the law of science, takes super-wisdom theory to guide the thinking, and moves forward time for 200 years, can achieve the prescription being able to kill and wipe out epidemic virus outbreak at any time and in any country. For instance, from clinical response of patients this time, basic condition of this virus is highly consistent with pneumonic plague, regardless of whether the virus originates from marmots, or certain country or nature, the Anti Century-Virus Drug developed by us can make much contribution to wipe out it. This Drug will also enhance the patient’s immune system, which is beneficial and non-destructive. The effectiveness of this Drug for treating common diseases is as follows: All of viral influenza, fungus infectious cold, common cold, fever cold caused by tonsillitis, suppurative tonsillitis, otitis media, suppurative otitis media, upper respiratory tract infection pharyngitis, acute pneumonia, chronic pneumonia, acute and chronic pneumonia, pulmonary bronchitis, pulmonary edema, pulmonary bullae, emphysema, rash caused by lung infection, dermatitis, mumps, chest distress caused by virus, palpitation, shortness of breath, heavy breathing, oral ulcer, encephalitis B caused by fever cold, etc., Fall within the therapeutic range of this Drug without any side effect. Since herbal medicine is the substance growing in nature, they can degrade within ten days. It seems that this Drug is a unique treasure and secret therapy of Chinese herbal medicines in the world. It can wipe out all viruses, including one that may prevail in the future, because core idea of the design of this Drug is the principle of wiping out great century epidemic, to be able to control all mutations with Chinese herbal medicines, which is unable to escape out of transitional structure skeleton designed by us. Because this design idea is the philosophical idea to watch the world's changes by standing on the long river of history, i.e., the outlaw is strong, but the law is ten times stronger, which is the design idea penetrating insight into time and space. The medication of this Drug has been moved forward for 200 years, why we want to move forward for 200 years? This is a strategy to change from passive to active, because it is too late to attack after discovering the virus. The virus is constantly mutating, and the doctor must change ahead of it. According to the latest demonstration of experts from four countries; a patient with novel coronavirus in Iceland was detected, two kinds of novel coronaviruses had simultaneously infected the same one person. Icelandic scientists have discovered that there are already 40 kinds of virus variants in a same person. It is discovered in Washington that there has been 26-step mutation of virus strain found, and 18-step mutation discovered in France. 10-step mutation has been discovered in a patient in Hong Kong. The virus this time is threatening the life of human being with a accuracy of nanometer level. An expert has pointed out that, in the future, the virus will transmit the infection between northern and southern hemispheres in a 'migratory bird mode'. Let whole Earth be groaning in a pain of periodic spasms, a Chinese-American doctor said in the Celebrity Archive that: If in this novel coronavirus epidemic outbreak "there is no TCM intervening and President Xi Jinping's concept of building a Community of Shared Future for Mankind - China will also be very miserable". China will neither do without President Xi Jinping, nor without TCM, because only TCM can cross time tunnel to design the technical solution to wipe out viruses. TCM is historical, TCM experience is also historical and TCM is a patent of Greater China, which is a Mahayana science unmatched by any other country. China does not need to hide the number of patients, because China has TCM. Therefore, Dr. Ren Lianzhi recommends that: scientists developing medicines must broaden their fields of vision. In ancient times, there was a saying that one herb could cure one disease, it is hoped not to regard everything as a dead position. Chemical medicines are easy to become a dead position being unable to pull out. Because developers only know molecular formulae of chemicals, but not molecular formulae of the virus, it is easy to repeat their mistake again and again. Give priority to traditional Chinese medicines, supplemented by Western medicines, it will be a perfect cooperation in history to jointly treat patients with novel coronavirus, which should be carried forward. The "Anti Century-Virus Drug" developed by this biotechnology research team has been just developed based on the logic of such philosophical thinking, and exact completing time was September 2018. (III) The Therapeutic Schedule of Diagnosis and Treatment Based on Overall Analysis of Patient and "Patients Being Cured and Prognosis" Innovatively Designed For victims of the virus, the vital sign is lack of yangqi. The lung matches the metal, and fire arestricts the metal. Reviving the yang for resuscitation should be applied to patients. Therefore, Dr. Ren has applied herbs being able to raise liuyang, "root of kudzuvine" and "beach silvertop root". Total amount of these two kinds of yang-raising herbs shall not exceed 9 grams, because for patients who are terminally ill, their vital sign must be maintained before they can be treated. Once vital sign is gone, and the drug will be applied blindly. When applying the drug, not only the patient's life must be ensured, but also the nutrition shall not be used wrongly. Dr. Ren believes that: Any disease should be considered through the theory of type differentiation, disease differentiation, syndrome differentiation and theory of yin and yang as well as the theory of five elements. Accurate diagnosis and accurate giving medicine prescription must cure patients definitely. For novel coronavirus of droplet infection and contagious infection, Dr. Ren has summarized its key points, difficult points and characteristics. In this design of Drug for novel coronavirus, Dr. Ren's scientific research team also specially designed an independent therapeutic schedule for patients "being cured and prognosis" and mild symptom patients, which can be found in Prescription 2. Dr. Ren hopes that, all experts and doctors around the world should respect science and grasp principal contradiction, and virus problem will be solved rapidly. In this article, I explain that: For the "Anti Century-Virus Drug" developed by us, in view of the protection of intellectual property rights in scientific research achievements, we have only published 50% of real prescription of "Anti Century-Virus Drug". For personal questions, you can call at any time to communicate with me and Chairman Jin. (IV) Usage and dosage of "Anti Century-Virus Drug" Dosage for patients with novel coronavirus: Three drops every two hours, to dilute it with 90° boiled water to take, of which the volume of water mixed is 50 ml. It has no side effect. For patients with serious symptom of novel coronavirus: 1 ml each time, to dilute it with 90° boiled water to take, of which the volume of water mixed is 100 ml, one dosage every three hours, until the patient is cured. For patients with bullae of lung, the Drug should be used while pumping out the gas in bullae of lung. Particularly, for suspected patients, it is only used for reference. Daily dosage for suspected patients: Three times a day, and three drops each time. Dosage for the prevention of normal person: One time a day, three drops each time. Note: This Drug shall not be decoctioned by yourself for taking according to names of herbs provided, because there are N kinds of Chinese traditional medicines in this prescription not be disclosed to prevent international theft. Every man has a share of responsibility for the fate of his country. Please refer to the recommendation provided by this R & D team, and work hard to eliminate the epidemic as soon as possible to reduce the burden on each country, so as to ensure that the people can walk out of the haze of the epidemic as soon as possible! If the Government of this country is interested in contributing to all countries in the world, we are willing to work to win the world together, if Hungarian Government is not, this can be neglected. Finally, I hope that everyone can study for human health and read for the rise of their countries. An epidemic outbreak has made us understand the fragility of life, the incompetence of money, priceless of health and valuable remaining years. We would like to walk with the health and happiness! Shower in the sun with the fragrance all the way! Developer: Dr. Ren Lianzhi Life Science Expert in European China Association for the Promotion of Culture and Education, World-renowned Diabetes Expert, International Practicing Physician IP TCM Master, President of Cancer Rehabilitation Committee of Chinese Clinical Medical Association, Therapeutical prescriptions for patients with new coronavirus infection and suspected patients - see the Annex Annex: Therapeutical prescriptions for patients with new coronavirus infection and suspected patients. [Prescription 1] "Anti Century-Virus Drug" Sophora flavescens, Chinese dittany bark, dark plum, root of kudzuvine and radix adenophorae, these are 50% of real prescription. Precautions: Please add or subtract herbs at any time during clinical application. [Prescription 2] (Therapeutical prescription for patiants being cured and prognosis) Why do the infected patient and the patient treated with Western medicine will become positive again after returning home! This proves that, in the therapeutic schedule, there is no completely curing schedule, which brings sequelae to the patient. In order to completely eliminate and wipe out this virus, we have specially designed a therapeutic schedule and prescription for patients of prognosis after discharging from the hospital and returned home due to being cured and prognosis Centella asiatica, herb pyrolae, Chinese holly leaf and red phaseolus bean, these are 80% of real prescription. Provide herbs inside the prescription to each patient to bring one month of dosage, which will complete the overall process therapy of thoroughly curing. [Prescription explanation of "Anti Virus Drug"] 1.It is the prescription for the therapy of viruses invading human body at any time and in any country in the world. 2.It is the scientific prescription for patients with obvious curative effectiveness within 10 days after taking this Drug and being discharged from hospital due to being cured and prognosis. The above is for reference only |