【聚焦中医药 点赞我的国】建国70周年特别报道 Special report on the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. 名医郑楠——心系所有病患,大爱医者仁心 Zheng nan, a famous doctor - with love and care to all patients, and great passion to traditional chinese medicine. 中医药文化是中华文明千年 传承下来的瑰宝,为中国乃至世界的文明发展做出了不可磨灭的贡献,中医药文化是我国文化软实力的重要体现,在新时代我们更要让优秀中医药文化绽放光芒。为复兴和传承千年中医药文化,响应国家“健康中国”战略,以及迎接建国70周年的到来,特别推出聚焦中医药·点赞我的国系列报道。 TCM culture is a treasure inherited from the Chinese civilization for over thousands of years and has made an indelible contributions to the development of Chinese and even the world's civilization.TCM culture is an important manifestation of China's cultural power. In the new era, we should let the outstanding TCM culture shine. In order to revive and inherit the traditional Chinese medicine culture and respond to the national strategy of "healthy China", and welcome the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, we are introducing the special national series of reports focusing on traditional Chinese medicine. 郑楠是中国中医药的传承者,是复兴中医药文化的坚定实践者,作为本次活动报道中医药文化系列活动参与者之一, 郑楠一直以来带头倡导发掘好、传承好、保护好中医药,是中医药人义不容辞的历史使命和责任。 Zheng nan is the inheritor of traditional Chinese medicine in China and a firm practitioner of reviving traditional Chinese medicine culture. As one of the participants in this series of activities covering traditional Chinese medicine culture, Zheng nan has been taking the lead in advocating the discovery, inheritance and protection of traditional Chinese medicine, which is the obligatory historical mission and responsibility of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners. 几千年前,神农氏遍尝百草而有数百经方,古人砭石导引而有针灸经络,中医文化一直是中医学得以不断发展并流传至今的精髓。针灸医学最早见于二千年多前的《黄帝内经》一书。《黄帝内经》说:"藏寒生满病,其治宜灸",便是指灸术,其中详细描述了九针的形制,并大量记述了针灸的理论与技术。两千多年来针灸疗法一直在中国流行,并传播到了世界。 Thousands of years ago, the shennong family tasted hundreds of herbs and found hundreds of meridians. Acupuncture and moxibustion first appeared in book “huangdi neijing” more than 2,000 years ago. It refers to the technique of moxibustion, in which the shape and structure of nine needles are described in detail, and a large number of theories and techniques of acupuncture and moxibustion are described. Acupuncture has been popular in China for more than 2,000 years and has spread around the world. 郑楠,女,四川泸州市人,中医针灸专家,西南医科大学名誉教授,现任阿联酋迪拜“中国中医针灸王医疗中心”院长,迪拜皇家世族与贵族家庭“特聘中医针灸诊疗大师”,“阿联茵大学医学系“特聘中医针灸兼职教授”,定期开办专题讲座,并担任阿联酋卫生部中医部门考官,于2009年被《polo medical college》授予“杰出针灸医生”荣誉称号,2018年--2019年被世界中推联合(北京)医学研究院评为“中医针灸特殊贡献奖”。 Zheng Nan, female, Born in LuZhou, Szechuan, a Chinese medicine acupuncture expert, emeritus professor of southwest university of medical sciences, the united Arab emirates dubai king Chinese acupuncture medical center’s director, the Dubai royal family’s distinguished master of acupuncture and moxibustion treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, Al Ain university of medicine’s distinguished adjunct professor of acupuncture , the examiner of Traditional Chinese Medicine in UAE’s ministry of health department. In 2009, the “polo medical college" awarded her with the honorary title of "outstanding acupuncture doctor", she also received the "special contribution award of TCM acupuncture and moxibustion of 2018-2019" by the world medical research institute (Beijing). “每当她看到一个个病人在针灸治疗后脱离了疾病折磨时,便觉得中医格外神奇,中医生职业格外伟大。”这是中医从小给郑楠留下的深刻印象,也就是在这种氛围的熏陶下,萌芽了她学习中医的种子。暗藏于心中的理想,成为她整个中学时代努力学习的动力,考上西南医科大学中西结合学院中医系后,郑楠学习系统中医的愿望也终于得以实现。在校期间,她成绩优秀、爱好广泛,数度荣获优秀学生干部,毕业后分配至泸州市中医院,长期从事中医内科、针灸临床工作,工作期间对待患者不敢有一丝一毫的松懈。 "Every time she sees a patient happy and recovered from her illness after acupuncture treatment, she feels that TCM is so magical and the job as a doctor is so great." Zheng nan was deeply impressed by the traditional Chinese medicine since she was a child. Under the influence of this kind of atmosphere, she started to learn traditional Chinese medicine. The dream hidden in her heart became the motivation for her to study hard during her middle school years. After she was admitted to the department of Chinese medicine of southwest medical university, combining Chinese and western medicine, zheng nan's goal to study systematic Chinese medicine was finally achieved. After graduation, she was assigned to luzhou hospital of traditional Chinese medicine. She has been engaged in the clinical work of internal medicine of traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture and moxibustion for a long time. 郑楠热爱祖国中医药,广泛涉猎现代医学之瑰宝,承先学又有创新,不断丰富和发展了传统中医针灸学术研究,提高了中医针灸的医疗实践水平。其在中医学术上的建树,长期以来为中医界的同道所称许。她精读经典,熟记于心,医学理论扎实。勤学善思,不断总结临床工作中的经验,形成了独具风格的“郑氏诊辨理念与临症思路”,疗效显著、广获赞誉,被病人亲切的称为“贴心的名医”。 Zheng nan loves traditional Chinese medicine of the motherland China, she extensively dabbles in the treasures of modern medicine, she constantly enriches and develops the academic research of traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture and moxibustion, and improves the medical practice level of traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture and moxibustion. Her academic achievements in traditional Chinese medicine have long been praised by colleagues in the field of traditional Chinese medicine. She read the classics, and memorized them by heart. She had a solid medical theory, with diligent studying and good thinking, constantly summarizing the experience of clinical work, and eventually formed a unique style of "zheng's diagnosis and differentiation concept and clinical thinking", creating a remarkable curative effect and is widely praised by the patient. 期间,郑楠来到成都中医药大学附属医院针灸诊疗中心深造学习,细研古训、勤究临床,并与时俱进、他山攻玉,又至华西医科大学神经内科,全面研习现代神经科内科学的病理与临床,中西合璧、融合贯通,对现代多种难治性神经疾病的认识与理解,从理论至实践、从技术到细节,日臻完善、技艺精进,中医、西医、针灸、药膳,多管齐下、标本兼治,疗效独特而显著,并因此留于成都中医药大学附属医院工作,后被派到阿联酋迪拜,弘扬国粹。 Zheng Nan came to chengdu university hospital of traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture for further studying of the TCM knowledge, and to huaxi medical university to study the neurological internal medicine and the comprehensive study of modern clinical pathology. Creating a great combination of the chinese and western medicine, from theory to practice, from technology to details, constantly practicing her skills. Eventually leading to a unique and significant curative effect, and therefore after the work in chengdu university of traditional Chinese medicine hospital, she was sent to Dubai of the United Arab Emirates to carry the quintessence forward. 郑楠院长医药皆能,学术颇丰。其精通中医,专长针灸,擅长治疗脑中风后遗症,偏瘫,面神经麻痹(口眼歪斜),颈椎病,腰椎间盘突出,风湿性关节炎,关节骨质增生,急性落枕,闪腰岔气,跌打扭伤,肩关节周围炎,下颌关节炎,肋间神经痛,坐骨神经痛,失眠多梦等内、外、妇、儿科疾患以及体质调理等。 Dr.Zheng Nan is the master of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture and moxibustion, excels to treat the stroke sequela, hemiplegia, facial nerve paralysis (mouth eyes skewed), cervical spondylosis, lumbar disc, rheumatic arthritis, joint bone hyperplasia, acute neck stiffness, flash waist side stitches, entitled sprain, around the shoulder joint inflammation, jaw arthritis, intercostals neuralgia, sciatica, bare of insomnia, outside, gynecology, pediatrics diseases and physical conditioning. 针灸临床中注重以中医理论为指导,先通过辩证,确定病位、病性及病因,再确定治疗大法,然后根据脏腑经络关系,穴位的性质及功能进行辨经选穴,随证灵活配伍施治。郑楠院长曾说:“中医的独特在于它的整体观,它不仅仅是书本上的理论知识,而是经过数千年验证的最自然的治疗方式。我们不仅要好好传承,还要让中医与时俱进、创新融合发展,这是我们这一代中医人的责任和使命。” In clinical acupuncture and moxibustion, the emphasis is placed on the guidance of TCM theory. Firstly, the nature and causes of the disease is determined through dialectics, and then the treatment method is determined. Dr.Zheng nan once said, "the uniqueness of traditional Chinese medicine lies in its holistic view. It is not only the theoretical knowledge in books, but also the most natural treatment method practiced over thousands of years. We should not only inherit this tradition, but also make TCM keep pace with the technology and develop in an innovative and integrated way. This is the responsibility and mission of our generation’s TCM practitioners." 针灸这项古老的中医传承了千年的神技,在她的手中被推广为被西方世界最广泛认可的医疗手段,赋予使命的小小银针,细若麦芒,但是却可以创造无数患者生命的奇迹,在迪拜期间,她经常与世界顶级医疗机构交流、对话、切磋乃至竞争,兼收并蓄、厚积薄发,美名广播,慕名的患者不仅来自美、英、法、德、阿拉伯及全世界的高端工商人群,还有来自美国、英国、瑞士等各国的西医专家,如内科专家、妇科专家、精神科专家,面对世界性疑难杂症,面临“高手中的高手、专家中的专家”,她不畏艰难、不惧压力,因人施治、因势利导,以其独特的针法、迅速的起效、显著的疗效,被迪拜人荣称为“现代医学专家医生的医生”,在当地掀起一阵中医针灸热,其创办的“中国中医针灸王医疗中心”,被迪拜主流杂《explore Dubai(探索迪拜)》多次特别赞杨和推荐,并被多家世界电视台媒体采访。 Acupuncture, the ancient heritage of traditional Chinese medicine for thousand of years, was introduced to the west of the world's and was widely accepted due to Dr.Zheng Nan. These small needles can create the miracles of life for countless patients. She often communicated with the world's top medical institutions and doctors. Many patients came from the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Switzerland and many other countries to meet Dr.Zheng Nan. They may be business owners, psychiatrists, or experts. While facing the experts from all over the world, she remains calm and is not afraid of any sorts of difficulties and pressure. She eventually treats patients and cure them with the unique methods with immediate effects. People in Dubai called her the "modern medicine expert". The King China Acupuncture Center founded by Dr.Zheng Nan was on one of Dubai's most mainstream and miscellaneous magazine called "Explore Dubai” and it has been constantly praised and recommended. King China Acupuncture was also featured and recommended in several TV channels over the world. 在郑楠工作的地方,摆满了来自全国各地患者送来的锦旗,这是患者对她的欣赏、赞许和肯定,对于一名医生而言,锦旗类似于戎马倥偬的军人璀璨夺目的勋章。患者把对医生最衷心的感谢,无言地凝结成一面面熠熠生辉的锦旗,送到医生手里,是对其医术和医德的最高肯定,锦旗象征着和谐医患情,就像这寒冬里的暖阳,驱散了寒冷,温暖了四方。同时也在提醒着人们,医生们默默的付出和无声的耕耘。 Zheng Nan’s work place is filled with banners and certificates sent by patients from various countries to show their appreciation, praise and affirmation. For a doctor, the banner is similar to army’s bright dazzling medals. The patient’s appreciation and the most heartfelt thanks to the doctor is condensed into a glittering banner and sent to the doctor's hand. This is the highest affirmation of their medical skills and medical ethics, the banner symbolizes the harmonious doctor-patient situation, like the sun in a cold winter day, dispeling the cold and bringing warmth. 医路漫漫,从医30多年来,郑楠院长始终秉承一颗仁爱之心,在浩瀚博大的中国传统中医药大海中搏击遨游,求医理,勤实践,解民噩,凭着高超的医术和高尚的医德,为无数患者解除病痛,送去健康。她曾说:“我深知,为人民服务没有捷径,一定要脚踏实地,一步一个脚印,认真的去做、去完成。”她是这样说的,也是这样做的。 At the same time, it reminds people of the efforts and hard works of doctors.The 30 years of Dr.Zheng Nan’s doctor life, she always had a heart of love, the superb medical skills and noble medical ethics, bringing health to countless patients suffering from the pain. She once said: "I know very well that there is no shortcut to serve the people, we must be down-to-earth, and take every step to achieve and to complete the task of bringing health to people.” This is what she said and did. 行之苟有恒,久久有芬芳。经过近30年的的上下求索,辛勤耕耘,郑楠院长技臻完美,行为世范,展现了一代针灸国医的风范。尽管光环耀眼,荣誉接踵,但她始终不骄不躁,淡泊宁静,始终把自己定位于一个传承祖国中医事业的苦行者。今后,她将更加一步一个脚印的走下去,为祖国中医药事业的发展再创辉煌,再立新功! After nearly 30 years hard work, Dr.Zheng nan has perfectly demonstrated the skills of a great chinese acupuncture and moxibustion doctor. Although she received a lot of praises, appreciation and titles, she continues to be modest and hard working,putting her dearest patients as her very first priority. In the future, she will continue to work step by step, for the development of traditional Chinese medicine and create brilliant, new achievements! |